Question Bank

Write Short Notes on the following : -

Blood supply of heart
Salivary glands
Gluteus maximus
Conduction system of heart
Circle of Willis
Thyroid gland
Movements of hip joint
Structure & functions of urinary bladder
Cardiac cycle
Composition & functions of CSF
Lymph node
Supra renal gland
Structure & functions of spleen
Musculocutaneous nerve
Cold chain
Posterior relations of stomach
Structure & Functions of epithelium
Right atrium
Brain stem
Spinal cord
Median cubital vein
Umbilical cord
Uterine tube
Cubital fossa
Small intestine
Blood supply of spinal cord
Circulation of CSF
Functions of uterus
Graafian follicle
Foetal membranes
Female urethra
Synovial joint
Bony pelvis
Popliteal fossa
Movements of the knee joint
Smooth muscle
Adductor magnus
Antidiuretic hormone
Structure of cell
Define tissues
Classify tissues
Classify connective tissues
Mention the types of muscle tissue
Describe the structure and functions of muscle tissue
Define mitosis and meiosis
Describe the different stages of cell division
Define cell
Describe the stucture and functions of the cell
Synovial membrane
Serous membrane
Functions of skin
Histology of bone
Mechanism of respiration
Vestibular apparatus
Dangerous area of face
Cranial nerves
Lumbar puncture
Short note on types of nerve fibres
Pyramidal tract
Brachial plexus
Facial nerve
Arch of aorta
Cardiac cycle
Portal circulation
Arterial blood pressure
Inguinal Lymph nodes
Radial artery
Questions in Special Senses
Describe the structure of the ear with a diagram
Mention any two functions of the skin
Mention any to functions of the tongue
Write a short note on blindness
Write short notes on the  eye
Draw a neat diagram of an eye and identify its parts.
Briefly discuss the physiology of Hearing.
Enumerate the sensory organs. Add a note about the  eyeball
Write briefly on colour vision.
Short note on vestubular apparatus.
Write a shortnote on structure and functions of middle ear.

Presentation testing your anatomy knowledge

PPT No. 1 MCQ Pulmonary arises from . . . .
PPT No. 2 MCQ  Venous Drainage of the intestines . . . .
PPT No. 3 MCQ Surgical neck of humerus is related to . . . .
PPT No. 4 MCQ Elbow joint hinge type . . . . . .
PPT No. 5 MCQ The cavity situated inside the brain is called . . . .
PPT No. 6 MCQ The pulmonary arises from . . . .
PPT No. 7 MCQ The pelvic diaphragm is formed by, viable age of the foetus
PPT No. 8 MCQ The innermost covering of the brain

MCQ on anatomy . . . coronary arteries . . all are exocrine glands except

MCQ on anatomy . . . umbilical number of cranial nerves

MCQ on anatomy . . . how many minor calyces .. all are retroperitoneal

Larynx - unpaired cartilages

MCQ on anatomy . . . diaphragm supplied by. .extension of the elbow

MCQ on anatomy . .  . dorsal body cavity . . deep to the dermis

MCQ on anatomy . . pancreatic duct is otherwise . . exocrine part of

MCQ on anatomy . . pancreas lies . . dorsal body cavity

MCQ on anatomy . . cavity situated inside brain . . appendix situated

MCQ on anatomy . . . skin is covered . . Head of femur

MCQ on anatomy . . . Second polar body . . Remnants of notocord

MCQ on anatomy . . . how many pairs of spinal nerves . . how many cells

MCQ on anatomy .  . . longest muscle . . nerve passing thru carpal tunnel

MCQ on anatomy . . . coronary arteries ... all are exocrine glands

Anatomy MCQ 2 . . . . . one of the following nerve is not related  . . . . .

Anatomy MCQ 3  . . .  Sesamoid

MCQ on anatomy . . pancreatic duct is otherwise . . exocrine part of

MCQ on Thyroid Gland

Anatomy mcq 2 (2)   

Mcq surgicalneck

MCQs for Competitive Examinations 1

MCQs on anatomy and Physiology Vipin Vageriya

MCQs on Anatomy GIT Vipin Vageriya   

MCQs on Cell, Tissue, Skeleton System and Joint Vipin Vageria

Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam MCQs 1

Word files testing your anatomy knowledge

quizanatomyphysiology int or ext sphincter of urinary bladder
Enumerate the different parts of digestive . . . .  note on small intestine

Anatomy Questions Classified

B.Sc. (Nursing) DEGREE  EXAMINATION (anatomy) - 1

B.Sc. (Nursing) DEGREE  EXAMINATION (anatomy) - 2

B.Sc. (Nursing) DEGREE  EXAMINATION (anatomy) - 3

B.Sc. (Nursing) DEGREE  EXAMINATION (anatomy) - 4

B.Sc (Nursing) Degree Examination Anatomy 4

First year B.Sc. Psychology  Model Question paper 1

VFirst year B.Sc. Microbiology  Model Question paper 1

Short Answers

Test yourself - 1

Draw the diagram of the eye. Name its parts and write the functions of each part.
Enumerate the functions of skin.
Define immunity - classify immunity. Give examples of each.
Match the following:-
Fossa --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -     colouring matter of the faeces by bile
Stercobilin --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -  cyanocobalamine
yellow body --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -  intervertebral disc
fibrocartilage --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- - corpus luteum
intrinsic factor --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- - anatomical space

Define "joint" - classify joints with one example each.
write down the functions of any five of the following:-
"    ovaries
"    bile
"    kidney
"    saliva
"    nucleus of the cell
"    peritoneum

Fill up the blanks with suitable and correct words:-
1. Two parts of auditory nerve are --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -
2. The smallest microbe is --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -
3. Leprosy is otherwise called --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -
4. The name of the rectovaginal pouch is --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -
5. Calcium level in the blood and bone is determined by --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -  hormone.
6. The functional Unit of urinary system is --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -
7. An example of common blood parasite is --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -
8. Infection transmitted by medical professionals is called as --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -
9. An example of hypoglycemic agent in the body is --- - - -  - -  -- - - -- -

Define disinfection - classify the disinfectant with one example each.
draw the diagram of the "stomach". Mark the parts and listout the functions of stomach.
Differentiate the following :-
Saprophyte / Parasite
Fermentation / Putrefaction
Sutures / Frontanelles
Ductus arteriosus / Ductus Venosus
Lymphocytosis / Phagocytosis

State whether true or false. If false write down the correct answer:-
1. Breast is a gland
2. Coats of blood vessels contain involuntary muscles.
3. Parietal pleura is closer to the lungs.
4. The best method of disposing hospital waste is composting.
5. The word "superficial" means external.
6. Pancreas is a dual organ of glands.
7. Digestion of starch commences in the stomach.
8. Exchange of gases take place by absorption in lungs.
9. Inj. A.R.V. can cure Rabies.
10. Nitrogen content is less in the expired air than in the atmospheric air.

Name any five of the following:-
1. Membranes of the body cavities
2. Three vectors transmitting disease.
3. types of muscular tissue
4. Vessels and ducts of liver
5. The names of the serum proteins.
6. Two examples of Toxin producing organisms.

Write down the place of situation of the following:-
1. Wharton's duct.
2. Obturator foramen
3. Mastoid antrum
4. Choroid
5. Axons

Define "sterilization" - Classify physical methods of Sterilization. Give one example of each method.

List out the endocrine glands and their respective secretions.

Answer any five of the following:-
1. The quantity of bile secreted per day.
2. The blood vessels of the heart.
3. The movements of small movements
4. The movements of the shoulder joint.
5. Enzymes acting on starch foods.
6. Secondary sexual characteristics of Female.

Define "Cross Infection" As a nurse, what are your responsibilities and measures to prevent "Hospital Acquired Infection"?

For answers for a few of the above questions click here.
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Questions on Respiratory System

Describe the physiology of respiration
Write a short note on the mechanism of respiration.
What are the parts of respiratory system? Explain the exchange of gases across the alveoli.
Name the organs of respiration and write briefly about each organ.
short note on diaphragm.
define respiration
Name the muscles of respiration. Describe the mechanism of Pulmonary ventilation. Add a note on artificial respiration.
Physiology of respiration.
Enumerate the organs of respiratory system and add a note on them.
Write a short note on Lungs.
Write a short note on Larynx
What are the parts of respiratory system? Explain the exchange of gases across the alveoli.
Draw a diagram of Respiratory System. Name the parts of it. Write in detail about the lungs. Add a note on its blood supply and clinical significance.
Describe the respiratory system under the following heads:- a)Nose b)trachea c) bronchi d) lung e) clinical application of Trachea
Write a short note on Trachea.
Write a short note on Diaphragm.

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